Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Updated Portfolio

Portfolio is now updated with a new Logo!

Stand Firm

Saturday, March 12, 2011

IndoctriNation New Trailer

IndoctriNation Trailer from IndoctriNation on Vimeo.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated recently, but I have been pretty busy at the store and
doing some other work (with Taylor Tsantles for SteadFast design firm) and Joaquin Fernandez with the IndoctriNation project, as you will see in the above trailer.
Please do enjoy!

Stand Firm

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hey guys! havent updated in a while, but wanted to let you know that my design portfolio had been updated. To view it click on the portfolio page up there! Enjoy and hope I havent lost all my followers! LOL

Stand Firm