Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Getting out of Google's Grip

Getting out of Google's 'Grip' should be one of the things on our to do list. After watching this video I hope you will agree with me!

(I would advise parental oversight...or foresight)

There are many options to Google.

Blogger is owned by Google. I am using it now although I will be switching to Wordpress.
Wordpress is a very good alternative to blogger and better in many ways.

Gmail....I like gmail myself, but there are other options. One is to buy a domain or get a free one and use a little know-how to set it up for email...and there are other options for just regular free email accounts. Me.com isn't free but it sure is great especially for those with Macs!

Youtube....thats a hard one to leave....Vimeo certainly doesn't have the selection that Youtube has, but there are still other options that you can find for you self, try Googling "Youtube alternatives" (ooops, maybe Bing it instead)

Well, anyway....thats just my opinion!

Enjoy switching!

Stand Firm

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So I haven't updated my blog here recently, sorry everyone! I have been very busy (and I need to get working on another project here in a minute) but I have a new "before and after" photo shoot thing that I did in Adobe Photoshop, that I think many of you will get a kick out of (because you know who's in the photo).

Anyway...got to go for now so have a great day and be looking for it!

Stand Firm